We give the best of the best quality to our customers we will not cheat as it won't be a good reputation for us so just trust us (c)Copyright.We won't bite you unless its a need for us to.
Hi! welcome to our blog shop! We had been running our blogshop for 2 years so we should have abit of experience already but we are still schooling so i really hope that u would understand :D and we are still schooling so we hope that you will understand that we have a tight schedule. There will be no refunds, and all orders are to be ordered via email :) thank you :D This is our following numbers but we don't answer calls :
XinYing:82555355(accept calls)
(c) copyrighted Shoppinglovers
NO REFUNDS !NO LAST MINUTE CHANGES!,PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE OREDER FORM AND IN THE CHAT BOX:) AND WE ARE 110% TRUSTABLE.If you don't trust us there's nothing we can do about it.. Its your choice we can't force you to buy.
Price of Item:
Price of items can be negotiate if the price is reasonable if not cancel of nego.
Reply of emails/messages:
We may be replying emails late by a few days as we are busy, do not spam our inbox etc.
Payment Method:
Due to our busy schedules we may opt. out meet ups or if you insist on meeting us then you'll should come to our convenience otherwise you opt. for postage or bank transfer we'll see how and reply you the email/message.
Arrivals of items:
Please stop pestering us when the items you order are coming,when the items are coming we will tell you.WARNING!:Those who spam our inbox immediate blacklist.
Yours Sincerely,
Accepy by?
*NOTE THIS* -Pay before getting items if you want use to help you pay first you will need to pay extra $1. -You can either pay by meetup or bank transfer.State in the order form and we will give you the bank number. Thank You
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